标准版数据库 | 使用细则 | DNS 数据库下载 | WhoisXML API



该数据库有五种形式,包括 A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA 和 PTR 记录,可以 CSV 格式下载。标准 DNS 数据库提供当前的 DNS 记录。

订阅类型 具体内容
每日更新 包含给定日期前一天新增的 DNS 记录(A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA、PTR),数据格式统一为CSV,文件位于daily_datafeed子目录中,并以以下格式命名:
- “daily_datafeed/dns_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_mx_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_ns_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_txt_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_cname_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_soa_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
- “daily_datafeed/dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz”
每周更新 包含与上一时期相比每周 DNS 记录完整的数据库变化,如自上周以来新增、删除和修改的记录。这些文件的命名格式如下:
- “dns_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_mx_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_ns_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_txt_数据库.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_cname_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_soa_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
- “dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz”
每月更新 Include changes in the monthly full database of DNS records compared to the previous period. Includes added, dropped, and modified records since the previous month. These files are named in format:
- "dns_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz"
- "dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz"
- "dns_mx_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "dns_ns_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "dns_txt_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "dns_cname_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "dns_soa_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
e.g. "dns_database.2021-12-01.monthly.diff.csv.gz".
每周完整数据库 每周 DNS 记录完整数据库(A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA、PTR),包含给定日期90日以内的数据且格式统一为CSV。这些文件的命名格式如下:
- “dns_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_mx_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_ns_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_txt_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_cname_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_soa_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
- “dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz”
精简版数据库 以学术目的而定制的指定日期的A DNS 记录的部分数据库,包含5%的每周完整数据库。这些文件的命名格式如下:
- “dns_database.%DATE%.academic.csv.gz”


通过 FTP 下载

处理大量数据集时,下载速度、往返时间、网络稳定性和磁盘 I/O 等因素都会影响用户通过 HTTP 协议完成下载。此外,防病毒软件等外部因素可能会复杂化下载,阻碍数据的无缝传输。为了确保更顺畅、更可靠的下载体验,我们强烈建议用户使用 FTP(文件传输协议)。FTP 提供了一个强大的解决方案,可最大限度地减少与 HTTP 下载相关的潜在影响。如遇到下载错误或任何困难,请及时联系我们的支持部门。他们将竭诚帮助用户启用 FTP 访问,优化数据传输过程。

通过 HTTPS 下载

通过 FTPS 下载

阅读有关 FTPS 连接的更多信息: https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FTPS 。

我们的 FTP 服务器支持显式 FTP over TLS 加密,用户可配置FTP 客户端支持显式 FTP over TLS 加密进行安全通信。

我们的 FTPS 服务器使用与常规 FTP 服务器相同的路径和 API 密钥进行访问,其说明如上所述。如需通过 FTPS 连接,请在 FTP 客户端中选择“需要通过 FTP over TLS显示”加密选项(如果支持)。FileZilla 配置示例:

FTP over TLS 加密显示


截至 2024 年 10 月 18 日记录。


文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
用于学术目的的部分数据库 .academic 852.1MB 3.4GB 71.4M
每周导出完整数据库 .full 14.3GB 68.4GB 1.4B
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 436.3MB 1.7GB 39.7M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 2.2GB 8.7GB 204M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 134.2MB 512.8MB 12.7M

MX 文件

文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 4.1GB 23.9GB 417.9M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 65.9MB 383MB 6.1M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 370.3MB 2.1GB 34.8M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 53.4MB 331.3MB 5.5M

NS 文件

文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 7.5GB 47.6GB 0.9B
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 113.4MB 675MB 12.7M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 656.6MB 4.1GB 78.9M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 97.1MB 631MB 11.8M

TXT 文件

文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 5.8GB 21.8GB 278M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 117.1MB 445.5MB 5.5M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 677.8MB 3.0GB 36.2M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 79.8MB 287.7MB 3.5M


文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 1.3GB 5.7GB 74.2M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 143.3MB 692.0MB 7.9M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 671.9MB 3.2GB 36.9M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 25.2MB 122.0MB 1.5M

SOA 文件

文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 7.9GB 39.9GB 371.4M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 225.1MB 1.1GB 10.1M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 1.2GB 6.0GB 55.5M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 103.1MB 512.4MB 4.7M


文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 1.8GB 7.3GB 151.5M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 65.5MB 267.0MB 5.1M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 354.1MB 1.5GB 28.9M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 20.6MB 79.2MB 1.6M

PTR 文件

文件内容 文件名后缀 压缩文件平均大小 解压文件平均大小 记录平均
每周导出完整数据库 .full 4.5GB 29.6GB 479M
完整数据库的每周变化 .weekly.diff 23.2MB 117MB 1.9M
完整数据库的每月变化 .monthly.diff 120.1MB 648.1MB 10.5M
前一天新增的记录 .daily 11.7MB 49.0MB 862.8K

CSV 输出结构和字段描述

数据库文件是CSV格式文件,没有文本分隔符。文件使用 DOS/Windows 样式的行终止符 (CR+LF)。第一行是带有字段名称的标题行。每行有四个或五个字段,具体取决于订阅类型:


  • 示例: 0--r.nom.za,1727012161,,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。如果有多个 IP 地址,则时间戳与所有 IP 地址相对应。
与域名关联的 IP 列表,以空格分隔。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • 例如: 0--f.blogspot.hr,1726563076,2607:f8b0:4006:81f::2001,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。如果有多个 IP 地址,则时间戳与所有 IP 地址相对应。
与域名关联的 IP 列表,以空格分隔。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false

MX 文件

  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
    - 0-0.im,1725900527,65,route1.mx.cloudflare.net,,true
    - 0-0.io,1725184548,10,mail.0-0.io,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与域名关联的 MX 记录。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false

NS 文件

  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
    - 0--1.net,1725227715,dns02.muumuu-domain.com,,true
    - 0--n.com,1727465160,ns1.bluehost.com,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与域名相关联的 NS 记录。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false

TXT 文件

  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
    - 0--1.net,1725227715,v=spf1 include:_spf.heteml.jp ~all,,true
    - 0--n.com,1727465160,v=spf1 +a +mx +ip4: ?all,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与域名相关的 TXT 记录。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
    - 0--6.hb.cldmail.ru,1724661484,hb.cldmail.ru,,true
    - 0--f.blogspot.hr,1726563076,blogspot.l.googleusercontent.com,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与域名相关联的 CNAME 记录。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false

SOA 文件

  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
    - 0--1.net,1725227715,dns01.muumuu-domain.com。 postmaster.0--1.net。 1724718394 3600 1800 604800 3600,,真
    - 0--n.com,1727465160,ns1.bluehost.com.root.box2438.bluehost.com.2020120802 86400 7200 3600000 300,,true
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与域名相关联的 SOA 记录。

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *.example.com).
  • Any subdomain of the form sub.example.com will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., sub.example.com) will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false

PTR 文件

  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 示例:
IP 地址。
当前记录最后一次访问/更新的 UNIX 时间戳。
与 IP 关联的 PTR 记录。
PTR 文件数据源包含用于解析兼容性的通配符字段,始终为空。

The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false